Saturday, March 27, 2010

Crawling around is fun to do

None of my other children crawled until they were ten months old. In fact they all crawled at ten months. Why would I expect anything different this time around? But despite his small size, Aa is determined to remain ahead of the curve. He refuses to be left behind. He has the army crawl down!
But that's not enough for Aa. A few days ago I was sitting on the floor playing with G and J when Aa came crawling over. He grabbed my shirt and pulled himself on up. I was impressed. Later that day I found him crawling up two steps. Again I was impressed. He's such a curious little baby. I don't remember any of my others being as curious as Aa is. He is so fun. It seems like he's all the sudden "grown up" in just the last month.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's so fun! And yet bittersweet. I love watching them learn and grow, but I sure wish they could stay little just a bit longer...