Sunday, June 19, 2011

Guess what? I'm still around!

I know it has been a very long time since I wrote on my blog. But we are still here! S and A just finished 2nd and 1st grade. G finished preschool and will start kindergarten in the Fall. They are all very excited for Summer Vacation. We will be starting our official Summer Schedule tomorrow.
J is the princess that likes to wear pink every day. Aa is a very active toddler that likes to find mischief. He is very cute though and does everything with a big smile!

Raymond is still working at Sterling ATM. He is also busy trying to sell the property we have in West Valley. We may rezone it to commercial property and lease it to a dance company instead. It is a lot of work for him to do. I am gearing up for summer and still teaching piano and voice lessons. I am also preparing for baby #6 in September. Now you are all updated, right?

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Congratulations on baby #6!!!!!! That's wonderful!!!! I wondered where you went in blog land. : ):) I'm glad your family is doing so well and I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well, too! I'd buy your land in West Valley, but we can't even buy a house. :( One day...