Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Signs of the time

Raymond is still looking for a job. Everyday it seems I hear about someone else being laid off. We keep hoping things will turn around and Raymond will get a job that will meet the needs of our family. We are also hoping that some of the properties we have will be able to find buyers. It can be frustrating to have to wait and only have limited control over what's going on. We just keep trying to do our part.
There are six families in Raymond's family. Right now four out of six of them are now jobless. It seems unbelievable to me.


Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

Jamie, I hope things work out soon...Tell your Mom Hi!!

Unknown said...

Jamie, that's terrible! I wish I could help! What is Raymond looking for? Has he ever thought of working for the Government?

I hope the stimulus actually does provide jobs and Raymond finds something soon! I'll continue to keep you and all your family in my prayers. You guys have been hit hard!

Marisa said...

Wow, I had no idea you were in that situation. We were lucky enough to make it through the latest round of layoffs; but, it came too close for comfort. I am so sorry you have to go through this right now. I'll keep you in my prayers.